Kesehatan Mental Dan Regulasi Diri Kebiasaan Makan Member Yoga Dan Gym
The productive period for men and women will face many challenges in life, starting from lifestyle, body image, career, quarter life crisis, education which can later lead to stress, anxiety disorders, depression, irregular eating patterns and not paying attention to the type of food consumed. The purpose of this study was to determine mental health and self-regulation of eating habits among yoga and gym members. The method used is descriptive quantitative and purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique uses the Self Reporting Questionnaire 29 questionnaire and the Self-Regulation of Eating Behavior Questionnaire.  The results showed that the percentage of mental health in the yoga group in the category of anxiety and depression was 4%, symptoms of PTSD disorder were 4%. While the percentage of mental health results in the gym group with anxiety and depression categories was 23%, symptoms of psychotic disorders were 46%, and symptoms of PTSD disorders were 35%. Meanwhile, the percentage of results of self-regulation of eating habits in the yoga group was in the low category of 4%, medium 65% and high 31%. While the percentage of the results of self-regulation of eating habits in the gym group was in the low category of 8%, medium 58% and high 34%. The conclusion in this study is that the mental health of 20–30-year-old members of yoga is included in the good category and gym is included in the poor category. While the self-regulation of eating habits of yoga and gym members is mostly in the moderate category.
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