Jendela Olahraga

Journal TitleJendela Olahraga
Frequency2 Issue a year ( January & July )
DOIPrefix 10.26877 
ISSN2579-7662 (Online) l 2527-9580 (Cetak)
Editor-in-chiefFajar Ari Widiyatmoko
PublisherUPT Penerbitan Universitas PGRI Semarang Press
CitationGoogle Scholar | Sinta | Garuda

Jendela Olahraga has been recognized as a national scientific journal since 2016 based on the decision of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 2527-9580- 23 June 2016 starting with edition Vol.1, No. 1, July 2016 for the print edition. (p-issn). For the electronic edition of Jendela Olahraga with number 2579-7662 – May 4, 2017 starting with edition Vol.2, No.2, July 2017 (e-issn) so that writers and researchers can more easily access research results that have been published in Jendela Olahraga. In addition, the submission of research articles to Jendela Olahraga can only be done through an online system (online submission).

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Update for author


As of April 1, 2020, the Jendela Olahraga has risen in rank from SINTA 5 to SINTA 4. Of course, all thanks to the good collaboration between writers, managers and reviewers in continuously improving the quality of management and content of the Jendela Olahraga

In addition, there is also an increase in the author's article qualifications that must be met by the author, including:

  1. Articles written must follow the guidelines according to the template.
  2. The plagiarism rate must be below 35% (it will be checked by the editorial board using turnitin)
  3. Mandatory use of Mendeley software and the like in making citations and bibliography.
  4. Minimum bibliography is 15. 12 of them are mandatory from scientific journals.
  5. Maximum number of pages 12 pages
  6. Must cite at least 1 article in the Sports Window

If the above requirements are not met then we will return the article to the author. Thank you

Posted: 2021-01-29

Peningkatan Mutu Penulisan

Standar Batas Turnitin  
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