Pemanfaatan Limbah Hasil Perikanan: Lem Ikan Berbahan Baku Sisik Ikan yang Berbeda
Fishery processing industry such as fillet fish and boneless milkfish which are increasing rapidly raises new problem, that is industrial waste which one of them is fish scales. Fish scales in the know contain collagen which can be used as adhesive or glue and can be one of the innovations for waste processing of scales. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different fish scales on quality of fish glue from three different types of fish scales. The material used in this study is the scales of fish Seabass (Lates calcarifer), nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and milkfish (Chanos chanos Forks), acetic acid, NaOH, and aquadest. The research method used is experimental laboratories using Completely Randomized Design with treatment of three different types of fish scales with three repetitions each. The results obtained were analyzed using the analysis of variance, stickiness value, wood surface damage, viscosity, pH and water content of fish glue. To know the difference between treatments, the data were analyzed with real honest difference analysis. The results of this study showed that fish scales differed significantly (P <0.05) on all analysis, but not pH of fish glue. Based on the results of this study that meets the Indonesian National Standard no. 06-6049-1999 on Quality Requirements of Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion For Wood Working Adhesives, Seabass fish scales is the best fish glue with quality: stickiness value 8.64 N/mm2, 40.47 % wood surface damage, viscosity 7.68 poise, pH 4.80, and water content of 59.92 %.
Keywords: Fish glue; Milkfish Scale; Nile Tilapia Scale; Seabass Scale
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