Pemanfaatan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Babatas, L.) Menjadi Sirup Glukosa Dengan Metode Hidrolisis Asam

Lukhi Mulia Shitophyta


Sweet potato (Ipomea Babatas, L.) is a tuber plant that contains carbohydrates, calcium, and starch. Besides being consumed as food, sweet potato can be used as a raw material for making glucose syrup. The study aimed to investigate the effect of hydrolysis time and HCl volume on glucose production. The starch was extracted from sweet potatoes then deposited for an hour. The glucose syrup production was carried out by acid hydrolysis method at 100°C. The results showed that the highest glucose content of 62.76% was obtained at 30 minutes hydrolysis time and 15 ml HCl volume. The smallest glucose content is obtained at the longest hydrolysis time. The greater the volume of HCl, the smaller the glucose content.


acid hydrolysis; glucose; starch; sweet potato

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