Pengaruh Lingkungan Sosial Terhadap Penguasaan Bahasa pada Anak Usia 10-11 Tahun di Kelurahan Gayamsari, Semarang
This research is motivated by the influence of the social environment on the mastery of Javanese language in children aged 10-11 years in Gayamsari Village, Semarang with a psycholinguistic study. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of the social environment on the mastery of Javanese language in children aged 10-11 years in Gayamsari Village, Semarang with a psycholinguistic study.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, because it describes the influence of the social environment on the mastery of Javanese language in children aged 10-11 years in Gayamsari Village, Semarang. The data collection technique used in this research is the listening method. The techniques used in carrying out the listening method are recording techniques and note-taking techniques. Furthermore, the data collected is by using data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusions.
The results of this study can be stated: (1) Phonologically from the language children master the sounds in the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. (2) Morphologically, children have mastered pronouncing various forms of words well, such as: affixes (affixes), namely affixes at the beginning of words (prefixes), affixes in the middle (infixes), affixes at the end of words (suffixes), and reduplications. (3) Syntactically, there are errors in pronouncing words or phrases using Indonesian vocabulary in conversation. (4) Based on the environment, the influence of the social environment in children's Javanese language mastery is the cultural environment: out of 10 children in Gayamsari Village there is only one child who masters Javanese manners.
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