Sugiarta PPs MP IKIP PGRI Semarang



The problem of professional teacher competence is the problem that needs to pay attention continuously for education world. The high and low of the professional teacher competence is influenced by some factors. It is supposed the teacher attitude to the job and the experiences to follow the education and trainning influence to the professional teacher competence in general and especially for sport teacher of yunior high school in Jepara regency. This is a quantitative research. The population of this research is all sport teacher of yunior high school in Jepara regency that has 58 sport teachers spread at 39 high school in Jepara regency. The sample of this research is using saturated sampling namely all the population were become
sample in the research. The research result shows that the teacher attitude to the job has possitive influence to the professional teacher competence by contribution of 61,30 % and it is also known that education and trainning experience has possitive influence to the professional teacher competence by contribution of 59,60 %. Furthermore the teacher attitude to the job and education and trainning experience collectively has possitive influence to the professional teacher competence by contribution of 75, 40 %. Based on the finding result, it is adviced that the teacher attitude to the job must always be efforted possitively and the teacher should always effort to increase the knowledge and the skill, By this way the teachers ability and the quality education will be existed.


Masalah kompetensi profesional guru adalah masalah yang menjadi perhatian bagi dunia pendidikan. Tinggi rendahnya kompetensi profesional guru dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Diduga faktor sikap guru pada pekerjaan dan pengalaman mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan berpengaruh terhadap kompetensi profesional guru secara umum, khususnya guru olahraga SMPN Se- Kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian
ini adalah seluruh guru olahraga SMPN Se- Kabupaten Jepara yang berjumlah 58 orang guru yang tersebar di 39 SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Jepara. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sampling jenuh yaitu seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; pertama sikap guru pada pekerjaan berpengaruh positif terhadap kompetensi profesional guru dengan kontribusi sebesar 61,30 %; kedua pengalaman pendidikan dan pelatihan berpengaruh positif terhadap
kompetensi profesional guru dengan kontribusi sebesar 59,60 %; ketiga sikap guru pada pekerjaan, pengalaman pendidikan dan pelatihan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif terhadap kompetensi profesional guru dengan kontribusi sebesar 75,40 %. Berdasarkan hasil temuan tersebut disarankan: sikap guru pada pekerjaan harus selalu diupayakan secara positif oleh guru, selain itu hendaknya guru selalu
mengupayakan peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, dengan cara demikian kemampuan guru akan meningkat dan pendidikan yang berkualitas akan terwujud.

Kata-kata Kunci: sikap guru, pendidikan dan pelatihan, kompetensi pofesional guru.

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Copyright of Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan (JMP) ISSN 2252-3057 (print) ISSN 2654-3508 (Online)
Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas PGRI Semarang
Jl. Lingga Raya, Dr. Cipto, Semarang

Dr. Noor Miyono, M.Si.
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