Framing the Future of Education: Capitalizing the Past, Shaping the Present

Luluk Khasanah, Senowarsito Senowarsito, Siti Nur’Aini


Efforts to enhance English language teaching in Indonesia have targeted various aspects of the teaching-learning process. However, this session will concentrate specifically on one crucial factor: the teacher. The focus is based on the understanding that the effectiveness of English instruction is largely influenced by the qualifications and capabilities of the teachers delivering the lessons. A key strategy for improving teacher quality is through in-service teacher training programs. In this session, the presenter will share insights from the LAPIS-EIEP project, which offers valuable lessons on best practices for teacher development. One of the most effective practices highlighted in the project was the integration of both language skills and practical teaching methodologies in the training sessions. This dual approach helped ensure that teachers not only developed their own language proficiency but also gained practical skills for classroom management and lesson delivery. To further enhance the learning experience, the program included peer teaching and supervisory school visits, which provided opportunities for reflective teaching and constructive feedback. These elements allowed teachers to assess and improve their teaching practices in real-time, leading to more effective and meaningful professional development. The session will demonstrate how these practices contributed to the participants' growth as educators and improved their teaching outcomes.


Teacher Training; Language Skills; Teaching Methodology; School Visits; Reflective Teaching

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