Ismatul Khasanah, Venty .


This research is motivated by how important requirement of education

model, because of the successful nation only be generated through education.

Education for early childhood in coaching efforts aimed at children from birth to

six years old conducted through giving educational stimulation to help the growth

and development of children's physical and spiritual in order to be ready to enter

further study (Depdiknas: 2003). The objectives of this research is to find the

integrated model based learning center at PAUD Rumah Kita Semarang. This

study is a qualitative research by using phenomenological naturalistic approach. 1)

Data collection 2) exploration 3) researchers conducted a focused research related

to integrated model based learning centers. Data collection techniques applied in

this study was: observation, interviews and questionnaires, documentation.

The result of this research shown that Integrated learning conducted at

PAUD Rumah Kita is a holistic learning system, which combines

multidisciplinary of learning centered on an issue or topic or theme, both

theoretically and practically, and combines institutional school and outside of the

school who developed an integrated program based on students?óÔé¼Ôäó need,

community?óÔé¼Ôäó needs and integrate learning activities to achieve the purpose of

students?óÔé¼Ôäó personality development as comprehensive and integrated. Integrating

learning implemented centers based. Learning centers model focuses on playing

centers in learning. Playing centers is an activity area designed inside or outside

of the classroom, contains a variety of playing activities with the necessary

ingredients and prepared based on the ability of the child and in accordance with

the theme developed and designed in advance.

Keyword: Integrated Model, Learning Center at PAUD

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