Slamet Supriyadi, Aan Burhanuddin, Sandi Sandi


Palm oil is one of the mainstay commodities of the Indonesian people which provides a very significant role in the development of the Indonesian economy, while palm kernels are fruit that has been released from the bunch, and to minimize the time of workers so that it is shorter in cleaning up palm oil loose fruit. The purpose of this study is to design and test an automatic wheelbrow-type palm oil cleaner. The speed of the machine used when cleaning the loaf affects the final result so that it can maximize the speed of the machine according to the specified load or time kg/hour. The results of this study are aimed at making it easier for coconut farmers to clean oil palm kernels, it does not take work time and can increase income.

Palm oil is one of the mainstay commodities of the Indonesian people which provides a very
significant role in the development of the Indonesian economy, while palm kernels are fruit that
has been released from the bunch, and to minimize the time of workers so that it is shorter in
cleaning up palm oil loose fruit. The purpose of this study is to design and test an automatic
wheelbrow-type palm oil cleaner. The speed of the machine used when cleaning the loaf affects
the final result so that it can maximize the speed of the machine according to the specified load or
time kg/hour. The results of this study are aimed at making it easier for coconut farmers to clean
oil palm kernels, it does not take work time and can increase income.


Design, Variation of rotation, Loading, Clean palm oil.

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