Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Sasindo: Indonesia Language and Literature Education includes research articles, research reports, reviews, and scientific comments in the field of Indonesian language and literature education with details as follows.

  1. Teaching Indonesian Language
  2. Media Learning Indonesia Language 
  3. Teaching Indonesia Literature Language 
  4. Applied Linguistics
  5. Semantic
  6. Syntax 
  7. Discourse Analysis
  8. Language Error Analysis
  9. Pragmatics
  10. Sosiolinguistics
  11. Psycholinguistic 
  12. Cognitive Ligustics 
  13. Language Style
  14. Literary Studies
  15. Indonesia Folklore Indonesia


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Publication Frequency

Jurnal Sasindo diterbitkan secara berkala pada bulan Januari dan Juli per tahun.


Open Access Policy

Jurnal ini memberikan akses terbuka langsung ke kontennya dengan prinsip bahwa membuat penelitian tersedia secara bebas untuk publik mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan global yang lebih besar.



This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows such libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes. More...


Etika Publikasi

Publication Ethics


Ethical Guidelines for Writers

General Guidelines

The research must be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, and must comply with all relevant laws.

A writer must present the results clearly, honestly, without fabrication, falsification or manipulation of data.

The authors must explain their research methods clearly and decisively so that their findings can be confirmed by others.

A writer must comply with the publication requirement, i.e. the published work is original, not plagiarized, and not published elsewhere.


Responsible research publication

1. Strength and reliability

The research must be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and in accordance with all relevant laws.

The research should be conducted well and carefully.

Researchers should use methods of analysis and display of data and proper display (dan, jika diperlukan, mencari dan mengikuti nasihat pakar mengenai hal ini).

The authors must be collectively responsible for their publications. Researchers must carefully examine their publication at every stage to ensure that methods and findings are accurately.

2. Honesty

Researchers must present the data honestly without fabrication, falsification or manipulation of the data. Images must not be modified to give misleading results.

Researchers must explain the methods they use and present their findings clearly and unambiguously. Researchers must follow the applicable reporting guidelines. The publication should provide sufficient detail to allow the experiment to be repeated by other researchers.

The research report must be complete. The author shall not exclude any unpleasant, inconsistent or inexplicable findings or results that do not support the hypothesis or interpretation of the author or sponsor.

Research funders and sponsors cannot veto publication of findings that do not support their product or position. Researchers should not include agreements that allow research sponsors to veto or control publication. (kecuali ada keadaan yang luar biasa, seperti penelitian yang ditutup oleh pemerintah karena alasan keamanan).

Authors should promptly notify the editor if they find an error in the work sent, received, or published. The author should cooperate with the editor in issuing corrections or withdrawals of the article, if necessary.

A writer must refer to someone else's work accurately in the quotation.

A writer may not copy references from other publications if they have not read the quoted work.

3. Balance

New findings must be presented in the context of previous research. The work of others must be displayed fairly and fairly. Scientific reviews and syntheses of previous research should be complete, balanced, and should include findings regardless of whether they support the proposed hypothesis or interpretation or not. Editorial or Opinion that conveys a single point of view or argument that must be clearly distinguished from a scientific review.

The limitations of research must be in the publication.

4. Originality

A writer must comply with the publication requirement that the published work is original and not published elsewhere in any language. The work may not be submitted simultaneously to more than one journal unless the editor has agreed to joint publication. If the article is published jointly, this must be explained to the reader.

Copyright laws and applicable regulations must be followed. Copyright material (e.g. tables, numbers or quotes) must be reproduced with appropriate permission and recognition.

Relevant previous works and publications, both by other authors and by the authors themselves, must be correctly recognised and referenced.

Data, texts, figures, or ideas derived from other researchers must be correctly referenced, and should not be presented as belonging to the author himself. Original words taken directly from the publication of another researcher must appear in quotations with the correct quotation.

A writer must inform the editor if a previously published findings or if some reports or some analysis of one data set are under consideration for publication elsewhere. The author must provide copies of the related publication or work submitted to another journal.

Some publications arising from a research project must be clearly identified and the main publication must be referred to. Translations and adaptations for different readers must be clearly identified. Original sources must be mentioned, copyright rules must be respected. In case of doubt, the author must seek permission from the original publisher before re-publishing the work.

5. Transparency

All sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, procurement of equipment or materials, and other support (such as statistics or assistant authors) should be mentioned.

The author must disclose the role of the research fund holder or sponsor (if any) in the design, execution, analysis, interpretation and reporting of research.

Authors must disclose relevant financial and non-financial interests and relationships that may be considered likely to influence the interpretation of their findings or which may be of curiosity to editors, reviewers or readers. This includes relationships with journal parties, for example if editors publish their own research in their own journal. In addition, authors must comply with journal requirements and institutional requirements to declare any conflict of interest.

6. Contribution of the Author

The author of a research publication must accurately reflect the contributions of each individual to the article.

The primary contributors must be listed as authors, while those who make less substantial, or purely technical contributions, either to the research or to the publication are listed in the award section.

Researchers must ensure that only those who meet the criteria of authenticity (i.e. have substantial contributions to the research work) are awarded with 'authorship' and that authors with worthy contributions are not removed from their names. Institutions and journal editors must prevent guest, gift, and ghost authorship.


-guest authorship is those who do not meet the criteria as a writer but are listed by name due to seniority, reputation or influence

-gift authorship is those who do not meet the criteria as authors but are listed for personal support or in return for payment

-ghost authorship is those who meet the criteria as a writer but their name is not listed

All authors must agree their name is listed and must approve the version sent and received for publication. Changes to the list and the order of authors must be approved by all authors, including those who have been removed from the list. The correspondence writer must act as a point of contact between the editor and the other writer. He has to interact with other authors and involve them in major publication decisions. (misalnya menanggapi komentar reviewer).

A writer is not allowed to use misleading acknowledgement to imply the contribution or support of a particular individual, in fact, not involved in the work.

7. Accountability and responsibility

All authors must read and understand the articles submitted and must ensure that the articles comply with the principles set out in these guidelines. In most cases, authors are expected to assume joint responsibility for the integrity of research and reporting. However, if a particular author is only responsible for certain aspects of the research and article, then this should be stated.

Authors work with editors and publishers to correct immediately any errors or omissions found after publication.

The author must respond accurately to post-publication comments or correspondence published.

8. Compliance with peer review and publication rules

A writer must comply with the publisher's requirement that the work is not submitted to more than one publisher at the same time.

Authors should inform the editor if they withdraw their article from the review, or choose not to respond to the reviewers' comments.

A writer must respond to the reviewers' comments professionally and in a timely manner.

Authors must respect the publisher's request for a press embargo, which means they must not let their findings be to the press if they have been accepted for publication. (tetapi belum dipublikasikan). Authors and institutions should work together to coordinate media activities (e.g. press releases and press conferences) related to publications. Press releases must accurately refer to the work and must not contain statements outside the results of research.

9. Reporting responsible for research involving human or animal subjects

Ethical approvals and permits or other registration letters must be obtained before the study begins. The details of the letter must be submitted in the article, for example the name of the ethics commission and the licensing authority.

If requested by the editor, the author must be able to present evidence of such letters, including proof of consent after explanation of the subject of the study.

Researchers should not publish individual identifiable data without the specific consent of the individual (atau walinya)

Researchers must publish all research results that may contribute to knowledge. In particular, there is an ethical responsibility to publish all clinical trial findings. Publication of a failed clinical trial or obtaining results that disprove the hypothesis can help prevent the recurrence of similar interrogations. If the findings of a small study that fails to statistical significance are combined, it may be possible to obtain statistically significant meta-analysis results and may be useful.

The author must provide the research protocol to the journal editor if requested (e.g. for clinical trials) so that the reviewer and the editor can compare the research report with the protocol to verify that the research has been carried out as planned and that no relevant details have been ignored. Researchers must comply with the relevant clinical trial registration requirements and must include the registration number of the clinical Trial in all publications that emerge from the clinic trial.


Adapted from:

Wager E & Kleinert S. (2011). Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T & Steneck N (eds) Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)


Plagiarism Policy

Statements and policies

Sasindo: Journal of Language and Literature Education Indonesia applies zero tolerance to plagiarism and therefore establishes the following policy that states special action (punishment) when plagiary is identified in an article submitted for publication in Eternal.

Definition: Plagiarism involves "the use or proximity of the language and thoughts of other authors and their representation as their own original work."

Policy: The paper must be original, not published, and not waiting for publication elsewhere. Any material taken verbally from other sources must be clearly identified as different from the original text by (1) indentation, (2) use of quotation marks, and (3) identification of the source.

Any text exceeding the standard of reasonable use (here defined as more than two or three sentences or equivalent) or any graphic material reproduced from other sources requires permission from the copyright holder and, if possible, the original author and also requires identification of the source; for example, prior publication.

All papers submitted will be tested for compatibility with the turnitin software.

When plagiarism is identified, the Main Editor is responsible for reviewing this paper and will agree measures according to the level of plagiary detected in the paper in accordance with the following guidelines:

Common Level

Sasindo: Journal of Indonesian Language and Literature Education practices zero tolerance for plagiarism. We used turnitin software to evaluate the common index and then the editor decided on a possible plagiarism case. (Laporan kesamaan akan diberikan kepada penulis). The editorial board has passed the following action:

1. Similarity index above 60%: Article Rejected (due to poor quotation and/or parafrase, article rejected raw, NOT ACCEPTED RETURNS).

2. Equality index (15-35%): Send to the author for correction (berikan kutipan yang benar untuk semua tempat kesamaan dan lakukan parafrase yang baik bahkan jika kutipan itu disediakan).

3. Equality index Less than 15%: Accepted or quotation correction may be required (kutipan yang tepat harus diberikan untuk semua teks outsourcing).

In cases 2 and 3: the author should carefully revise the article, add the necessary quotations, and perform a good parafrase for the outsourcing text. And return the article with a new turnitin report showing NO PLAGIARISM and a similarity of less than 10%.